Korean delegation in the BVS Group
European tour of the Korean Fire Protection Association (KFPA) with visits to the CFPA board and to us in Linz!
A delegation of the KFPA is currently on a European tour and stopped off at the CFPA (Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Europe) and our group of companies in Linz, among others.
Our companies were already known to the KFPA members from the ISO committees. Yesterday they visited us at the BVS Group to learn about our diverse tasks in the field of preventive fire protection and natural hazard damage prevention.
They were particularly interested in our Elemental Damage Prevention Centre, which specialises in surface water simulation and hail tests. The gentlemen were enthusiastic about our hail testing machine.
The contact between our organisations will definitely remain in order to exchange knowledge and experiences in the future.

Copyright: BVS / IBS