Legal notice

    Contact details

    IBS – Institut für Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung GmbH

    Petzoldstraße 45 / 4020 Linz / Austria
    T +43 732 7617-250 / F +43 732 7617-119 /

    Court having jurisdiction: Linz
    Companies’ register number 89116d
    VAT number: ATU23289705

    Data Privacy

    Here you will find out Data Privacy Notice.

    Liability for links and copyrights

    Despite careful checking of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

    The creation, use and non-commercial distribution of copies in electronic or printed form are permitted, provided that the content is not distorted and the source is acknowledged (source: IBS).

    Texts, images and graphics are protected by copyright and other protective laws, unless otherwise stated.

    The IBS was first certified in accordance with EN 45001 and EN 45004 as a testing and inspection body with the identification number 42 by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs with the start of validity [15 June 1996] with GZ [92.714/300-IX/2/96] and with the start of validity 25 October 2012 with GZ BMWFJ-92. 716/0077-I/12/2012 in accordance with EN 40011:1998 as a product certification body with the identification number 956 by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth for the areas listed in the notification and published at